This is your journey

What We Do

Analyze & share data to inform decision-making

The University Advising - Retention team has been gathering cognitive and non-cognitive data, reviewing CSU statistics (via the CSU Student Success Dashboard and CSU-published work) and taking part in conversations with institutions across the U.S. Through this process, retention risk factors have been identified which warrant the attention of academic advisors and administrators should Cal Poly hope to reach the 2025 graduation and graduation-gap goals established by the CSU Chancellor’s Office.

We have worked hard to gather qualitative and quantitative data and used it to:

  • Inform timely advising interventions that increase retention and graduation.
  • Determine effectiveness of advising interventions. 
  • Analyze the current state of policies and procedures in order to track trends and identify inequity and barriers to graduation.

Reach out to students taking time off or leaving Cal Poly

Leave of Absence
Connecting with students as they leave and return from extended absences.

In order to avoid missteps that can occur when a student is under the stress often preceding an extended absence from Cal Poly, the Retention team has developed a series of interventions. This process quickly surfaced as a barrier during our Active Not Enrolled outreach, as there was substantial confusion around the “approval” process and what had to happen as a student made arrangements to leave. Further, it was notable that there was no contact made by Cal Poly, to maintain our relationship with these students or to guide them back onto campus. The following procedures have been put in place.

  • Every student requesting a Leave of Absence is screened by a Retention Specialist ensuring they maximize their available leave options and avoid possible hurdles to re-enrollment.
  • Important processes and contacts related to taking time-off have been compiled and are shared with each student.
  • The term prior to a student’s planned return, a Retention Specialist emails a “welcome back” email with reminders related to registration and important deadlines. Contact is reestablished and students are encouraged to set up a returning appointment with their academic advisor or retention specialist.

Informal Time Off
Guiding and intervening with students planning short-term breaks from campus.

Every student submitting an Informal Time Off form is screened for a number of potential hurdles to re-enrollment, solutions for which are included in personalized emails. Students indicating mental health concerns also receive calls of support from our team to ensure they have the support they need.

Active Not Enrolled
Re-engaging students temporarily absent from campus.

By reaching out to students not yet registered after the first round of enrollment appointments and again after the term census date, we have been able to provide time-sensitive support to students at risk of discontinuance. This includes sharing direct referrals to important campus resources, clarifying policies and procedures, removing barriers to re-enrollment, and supporting their personal and academic needs.

University Departure
Connecting with students who are permanently leaving Cal Poly and collecting feedback.

A Retention Specialist reads every University Departure form submission, shares relevant details with Associate Deans and reaches out, depending on details provided, with targeted emails or calls of moral support.

  • Qualitative and quantitative data gathered through these reports have informed our focus on specific barriers and recommendations for change.

Identify barriers to graduation equity & recommend solutions

Based on our outreach and data collection efforts, we have identified and recommended changes to remove barriers to student persistence and graduation. Work to date has included:

  • Working with the Office of the Registrar to create a Leave of Absence policy and procedures that allow it to serve as a retention tool. It is now more flexible for students who are already under stress and provides the opportunity to guide students through their departure and return, maintaining a connection to Cal Poly and increasing the likelihood of re-enrollment.
  • Instituted the Informal Time Off form, providing a means for students to notify Cal Poly of plans to take 1-2 terms off, for retention specialists to ensure students are able to enroll (extending graduation terms when necessary), have not incurred unanticipated fees or received grades of W(U)/F when they are ready to come back, and for our team to provide caring support.
  • Looking closely at academic policies, including change of major, APDQ, etc. to analyze whether they are disproportionately impacting specific populations and if so, bringing this to the attention of the colleges.
  • Advocating for Cal Poly Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress alignment with Federal standards for required percent of units earned.
  • Advocating for changes to Counseling Services policies around continuity of care for students who have completed a term withdrawal.
  • Working with Cal Poly Admissions to eliminate fee for returning applicants, easing the process of continuing one's degree.
  • Encouraging more student-friendly policies, procedures and approaches to communicating with students – with entities both inside and outside of advising.

Provide intentional support to Cal Poly Scholars

As the Cal Poly Scholars program continues to grow, the University Advising - Retention team ensures that students are supported in navigating their transition from the Mustang Success Center or their transfer institution to their College Advising Centers. We provide proactive outreach throughout the academic year to ensure Scholars have access to the advising support they need to reach their academic goals.

2021-22 Annual Report


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